Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2 Years and Still Going Strong

Two years ago today I married the love of my life, my best friend, my protector, my not-so-perfect-but-pretty-much-perfect match! It was a sunny, but otherwise cold and snowy day in Utah at the beautiful Mount Timpanogos Temple. It was there that I bonded myself to him for this life and the next.

In the two years that we have been married we have been through so much. We have had about a gazillion job changes, about just as many moves, gained 15 or 20 pounds between the both of us, purchased a flamboyantly yellow car, had some pretty defining arguments, had some pretty defining tender moments, and have easily watched over 250 movies. I absolutely adore my husband.

Although we have some miles behind us, I'm focused on our future. I'm excited for our future. I'm am so blissfully anxious for him to meet our little baby and to realize that he is co-creator of such a magnificent miracle.

Here's to our last two years and here's to our future who-knows-how-many years! Cheers!

I love you babe!