Friday, February 15, 2013

Surprise from Friends!

When Jordan and I were still living in Idaho we were super close with his old roommates. We moved to Texas in December of 2011 and so we left all the boys behind to fend for themselves in the barren wasteland that Idaho is. Anyways...last summer one of his old roommates, Todd, got married to a really cool chick named Brooke. We weren't able to go to the wedding, but it was the one on TLC with all the siblings getting married on the same day.

So I'm sitting on the couch a few weeks ago and I hear a knock knock knock on the door and I open it to find Todd and Brooke standing outside! I was so surprised! They were driving/moving from Arizona to the East Coast and they were driving through Texas and decided to "swing by" and visit us! How insane is that?! Jordan got home from work shortly after they got there and it was so nice to finally meet Brooke and catch up with Todd! They stayed for about 20-30 minutes and then they were off again on their one-way road trip to the East Coast.

It was so so good to see them! P.S. pay no mind my grubbiness please!