Wow! I feel like we have hit a huge milestone, 6 months....I survived! I'm alive and so is my baby! Happy dance! Here are some pictures to show this last month.
At 6 month, Emerson:
-can roll both directions with ease
-can sit on his own
-can crawl on his own...and fast!
-can hold on to the ottoman or hands and pull himself to a standing position
-is a selective listener (just like his Daddy)
-loves cups and cries when others have a cup, but he doesn't (we have to ask specifically for a cup for him at restaurants!)
-sings and dances to music videos
-loves singing with Mommy in the car
-"plays" with Mommy's hair all the time
-has very ticklish feet
-gobbles down sweet potatoes, but not applesauce or bananas
-LOVES when Daddy comes home from work
-could stay outside all day
-is fascinated by other people, kids especially
-is working on and getting good at putting himself to sleep
-weighs 17.5 lbs and is 26 inches tall
Emerson has grown so much just in the last month and it is so fun to see him find things he likes and things that he doesn't really care for. There are days that I want to rip out my hair because of that little person, but everyday I love him and am so grateful he is mine.