Since I don't live with anyone that will cook it for me I have to make it for myself...of course I share with Jordan. Now I'm sure most of you are thinking "Dang, Lexi, how do you find time to make a loaf of break with you busy schedule?" Well, my secret is...a bread machine! Oh, the ease and convenience of a bread machine!
When I first started using a bread machine I pushed the start button and let'a rip! I let the bread cook in the machine and I've decided that I don't like letting the bread cook in the machine. I don't like it for a couple different reasons. 1. The bread cooks vertically and when the bread is out of the pan it is not a pretty loaf. 2. It is semi-difficult getting the bread out of the vertical pan because of the mixer at the bottom. 3. The top of the loaf does not always raise and cook the way it should. So, for those reasons I have begun just using the dough setting and then cooking it in a normal loaf pan in the oven.
With that being said, I have been pondering in the ingredient quinoa. I've been waiting for the perfect recipe and when I found a recipe for quinoa bread I jumped at the chance to use quinoa for my very first time.
I used a very detailed and labor intensive recipe. The recipe can be found HERE. Now, for those of you that have a ton of time on your hands and have the patience to spend 4 hours tending to dough, more power to you! Fantastic! But, I do not and so I shoved it in the bread maker and pushed start. Well, okay, I did a little prep. I cooked and cooled the quinoa and the oatmeal and then put it in the break maker and the dough turned out perfectly. One quick side note...this recipe will easily make two loafs...I deduced that AFTER I made my loaf.
My loaf is a large and in charge!! The taste of the bread it really really good, nice and hearty. I like the bread, although I have noticed that it is very soft and so next time I think I won't cook the oatmeal, but rather put it in dry. The loaf isn't crumbly in a dry way, but it is so soft that when you slice it, it struggles to hold it's shape.
Now I'm no bread expert, but I enjoy trying new recipes and cooking healthy foods for my family. I have cooked mostly everyday-sandwich-type breads rather than dessert/sweet or specialty breads. If you have any great recipes let me know and I'd LOVE to try and maybe...just maybe put them in my recipe book!